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Dancing with God

Hello readers! Last night I went West Coast Swing Dancing with some people from AIM. It was a lot of fun! And I’ll most likely go back again if my schedule allows.  I have never done West Coast Swing before.…


Hello readers! I don’t usually like to post about something I don’t have the answer to yet, but I think many great things will come through this post… For me, oftentimes there is anxiety is not knowing what is next.I…

Sifting Through the Fog

Do you ever hit a wall in your brain and are no longer being productive? I have, and it can be super frustrating… especially if you have something that needs to be accomplished quickly. Part of the program I am…

Plans that lead to Nowhere!

Hello readers! I want to share with you something that happened today in Worship Track. We had a guest speaker and he said something that has stuck with me all day: “Planning is good, but it often doesn’t work out…

Don’t Make It A Habit!

Greetings! Ever wonder what your life would look like if you set up goals and actively worked towards making it a reality? Then stayed tuned to figure out how you can take what I learned in class and use it…

It Hurts Too Much!

Greetings Friends, Family, and anyone else who happens to find their eyes landed on my blog page! Growing Pains – I don’t personally remember many of these growing up, but I have witnessed many children experience them over the years.…

Four Days in the Ark!

Hello Readers, Have you ever been forced to spend 4 days enclosed in a house with 30 complete strangers and asked to be super vulnerable? I’m guessing maybe most of you reading this haven’t, and that’s alright. However, I just…