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Hello readers!

Last night I went West Coast Swing Dancing with some people from AIM. It was a lot of fun! And I’ll most likely go back again if my schedule allows. 

I have never done West Coast Swing before. It was kind of humbling as most learning experiences are. There were people there of all levels of experience. Most of the people were very gracious and patient though.

I wanted to share with how/why I think dancing relates to our spiritual journey and just some general revelations:

– It is important to have FUN in life. GO PLAY! Dancing is a great form of exercise and can be done by yourself or with other people. Side note: one habit that I am trying to implement in my life is guilt-free 15 minutes of PLAY everyday!

– When learning something, it is important to not get caught up in doing it perfectly, no one really cares but you. Perfectionism can be a blessing and a curse at times. I think getting it right is very satisfying, but I also think that being able to express yourself through dance is a beautiful thing, no matter what it looks like.

– Being the follower in dancing is a lot like dancing with God as the leader. The Holy Spirit is always hoping that we let him take the lead and go where he leads us. We, as followers, don’t always get it right because we try to predict His moves, we try to move before we are directed, or we don’t follow His moves. We sometimes end up messing up when we don’t allow the Spirit to lead.

– The Lord will make our paths straight when we submit to Him (Proverbs 3:5-6).

– In order to follow someone, you need to be sensitive to their lead. It also requires the follower to surrender their will in order to go where the leader takes them. This is a lot like believers laying down their will and submitting to the Lord. I can’t easily go where the Lord leads if I am trying to do my own thing. (Luke 9:23).

– Dancing is a form of worship. David danced before the Lord! (2 Samuel 6).

– This last point isn’t necessarily biblical, but it is humorous when you can just go for it, be willing to look like a fool, and not care whether you get it right the first time. 

I pray that this left you inspired to go dance and/or view your journey as a believer with the Lord from a new perspective (if this is a new concept).

As always, feel free to leave a comment or send a message with any thoughts, questions, comments, or concerns. 🙂

Keep Lookin’ Up,